Developer Notes

stenv consists of several parts:

  1. an unpinned Conda environment definition YAML file environment.yaml

  2. a GitHub Actions CI workflow that automatically builds and tests the environment on several platforms

  3. regular GitHub releases with attached constrained Conda environment definition YAML files for every tested platform


# this is the base unpinned environment for ``stenv``; to manually resolve an environment from this file, run the following: 
# conda env create -n stenv -f 

  - conda-forge

  - astropy
  - dask
  - fitsverify
  - hstcal
  - h5py
  - ipython
  - jupyter
  - numpy
  - pip
  - pytables
  - python>=3.10
  - pytest
  - pytest-xdist
  - scipy
  - scikit-image
  - sphinx
  - pip:
      - acstools
      - asdf
      - calcos
      - ccdproc
      - ci_watson
      - costools
      - crds
      - drizzlepac
      - ginga
      - jwst
      - nictools
      - pysynphot
      - reftools
      - stcal
      - stdatamodels
      - stistools
      - stsynphot
      - stregion
      - synphot
      - wfc3tools
      - wfpc2tools

To build an environment from this unpinned environment definition, you may run the following:

conda env create -n stenv -f
mamba env create -n stenv -f

Adding a package to stenv

To request that a new package be added to stenv, please create a new issue in the repository.

issue template for adding a package